Title: | An Introduction to Power Consumption Issues In Processor Design
| Author(s): | M. Hicks and C. Egan and P. Quick and B. Christianson
| Publication Date: | July 2005
| Publication Type: | Technical Report
| Book Title: | UHRA
| Publisher: | University of Hertfordshire
| Location: | Hatfield, UK
| Abstract: | The field of power aware computer engineering is becoming increasingly prominent in recent years, following both the rapid take up of mobile devices and the increasingly large and complex design of processors. This introductory paper begins by examining the impetus behind present research and then proceeds with simple background theory of power dissipation in current electronic circuit technology. Following the definition of simple antiquated ways of reducing power dissipation are more contemporary higher level metrics used to quantify power efficiency and a brief summary of simulation tools used to retrieve power usage information. The paper concludes with a summary of current approaches and remaining open questions.